20 April, 2022

When you need your outside windows expertly cleaned, Evergreen Window Cleaning can help.

 Outside windows can accumulate a lot of dust and grime. After a while, dirty windows may leave your home’s exterior looking unpleasant. Washing outside windows the right way can be a difficult task. 

 That’s why many Seattle residents turn to professionals like Evergreen Window Cleaning. Our 25+ years of experience will show you how to keep outside windows clean.

Advantages of Keeping Outside Windows Clean

There are many advantages to keeping your outside windows clean, including preserving your windows, improving your health, and more.

Glass Degradation Prevention

Glass degradation occurs when a layer of glass becomes exposed to certain particles. These harmful particles can crack your windows, leading to needing a window restoration or replacement. Frequently cleaning can prevent this issue. 

Get a Better View

Having cleaner windows means having better views. While it might seem inconsequential, a clear view of your yard with your morning coffee can be rewarding. 

Improved Heating Efficiency

Seattle can get chilly when it rains. Prevent this by getting your outside windows professionally cleaned. Clean window panes allow for a greater flow of the sun’s heat.

Enhance Your Resale Value

You may want to resell your home one day. Restoring or replacing windows, however, can be costly and time-intensive. Avoid this by keeping your windows clean. 

Increase Air Quality

When sunlight hits dust and grime, nitrogen compounds are released. These compounds form nitrogen dioxide, reducing air quality. Knowing how to clean outdoor windows is the first step toward improving the air quality in and around your home.

How to Keep Outside Windows Clean

Keeping your outside windows clean doesn’t have to be complicated. Doing so may just require having the right tools and equipment.

Magic Window Cleaner

Magic window cleaner is a great solution for cleaning exterior windows. Combined with microfiber cleaning cloths, this product is essential.

Clean Your Windows with a Mop

Mops can be a vital window cleaning tool and make reaching higher areas a breeze. Mix a bucket with water and vinegar, attach a microfiber or mop head, and start scrubbing! 

Window Cleaning Kit for Apartments

You can also use a window cleaning kit for apartments. Most kits have a squeegee paired with a circular sponge and two cleaning cloths. They work best on sliding windows and can easily remove dirt and grime. Finish with a dry rag to brush off your windows. 

Allow a Robot to Clean Your Windows

Many companies make robot window cleaners. These bots are armed with high-speed fan motors and squeegees. After being positioned on the window, the robot will find the best cleaning path to take. They are also very quiet.

What Happens if You Do Not Clean Your Exterior Windows?

You should thoroughly clean your outside windows at least twice a year. Not knowing how to clean exterior windows properly can result in a few problems. 

Curb Appeal Suffers

The first impression of your Seattle home comes from its exterior. Even with a well-maintained yard, dirty windows can dramatically reduce your curb appeal. 


Discoloration in windows is often identified by having black or dark-colored streaks on the glass. Although high amounts of indoor moisture caused by humidity are the main culprits, unclean windows also contribute to discoloration.

Quality Degradation

Knowing how to clean outside windows can greatly reduce quality degradation. With regular cleaning, most new windows can last between 15 to 20 years or more. 


There are many reasons why your windows are starting to leak. Not cleaning your exterior windows is one of them. Neglecting your windows leads to cracks and other structural problems. Additionally, when you don’t clean your windows, you might miss other issues like cracked caulk or sealant around your windows.

Why Hire Professional Window Washers?

Professional window washers have the tools and expertise to clean and keep your windows clean. Armed with industry knowledge, they can also spot any potential problems with your windows that you normally wouldn’t catch on your own. 

You can also save precious time by having a team give your exterior windows regular, scheduled maintenance. This is especially true if your home or business has a dozen windows or more to wash.

Try Evergreen Window Cleaning Now

So, how do you clean outside windows like a professional? By hiring one! To save time and money, many Seattle residents turn to Evergreen Window Cleaning. Proud to be serving an ever-growing customer base in Seattle for over 25 years, we’ll go above and beyond to get the job done. 

Our team at Evergreen Window Cleaning can help you clean your outside windows today. Call us at 206-888-6690 and request a free quote.